Every year, thousands of people will celebrate special events such as the 4th of July or New Year’s Eve. During this year’s Independence Day festivities, there’s a good chance that fireworks will be used. Fireworks are beautiful and loud, but they are also very dangerous when handled improperly.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission reported between 7-10 thousand firework-related injuries in 2019. 57% of all reported injuries were burns, and many accidents could have been avoided with proper safety precautions.
It’s important to understand that fireworks are explosives that just happen to have a pretty light show with them. Many individuals disregard firework safety and end up with significant or fatal injuries. It is critical that anyone who uses fireworks understands the risks involved and follows these Do’s and Don’ts of Firework Safety.
- Make sure that a sober adult is supervising all firework activities; even sparklers, which can burn hot enough to melt certain metals
- Make sure that you have a water hose or water bucket available while using fireworks of any kind
- Make sure that you read and are prepared to follow all instructions before using any fireworks
- Wear safety equipment such as glasses and non-flammable clothing when possible and ensure children do the same
- Consume any alcoholic beverages while using fireworks
- Point fireworks at anyone, at any time, for any reason
- Use containers that could explode such as metal or glass as they could send deadly fragments in multiple directions without warning
- Re-light fireworks that fail to work properly on the first try
- Take fireworks apart and create your own fireworks
- Bring your pets outside while using fireworks
- Use fireworks if your local laws do not allow them

It is extremely important to remember that the use of fireworks by any underage individuals should be closely monitored by a responsible, sober adult. Some fireworks are illegal for use by minors. Also, before purchasing fireworks of any kind, you should check with your local law enforcement agency to make sure that they allow that type of fireworks in your area.
The big firework shows that you see each year are handled by professional firework technicians who are highly trained and have years of safety training and experience. These professionals do not treat fireworks as toys, but instead, they see them as dangerous explosives.
We want you to understand the dangers of fireworks, and that even in the best situation, serious and/or fatal injuries can occur if you aren’t careful. Remember, fireworks are explosives. So, while you are enjoying your fireworks, do everything you can to be as safe as possible. We don’t want you to become part of the annual 10,000+ firework-related injuries or the 12 firework-related deaths.
If you choose to use fireworks, remember that there is a risk every time that you light a fuse. Don’t let your guard down at any point, because accidents will happen if you don’t take firework safety seriously.